The Janesville League of Women Voters recognizes that school dropouts have a difficult problem in coping with life, and that they constitute serious social and economic problems, not only for the schools, but also for the community, its government, and its institutions (i.e. social services, churches, criminal justice, etc.).
We support:
1. Early identification of potential school leavers.
2. Adequate and accurate record-keeping of student files, testing results, attendance records, and careful follow-up evaluations of such students as identified above.
3. Adequate Guidance Counselor/Pupil ratios and more time spent in personal counseling rather than scheduling or curriculum advising. Counselor time spent with ALL students not just those designated in Exceptional Education. We recommend the hiring of more school psychologists. We strongly support and commend the Advisor/Advisee program.
4. A high standard of teacher competency at all grade levels. We support adequately staffed and carefully evaluated Alternative Programs as deemed necessary on the basis of long term record keeping to supplement existing curriculum. Hopefully, these alternative programs will provide opportunities for remedial classes, vocational and career education for those students identifies as potential school leaves. We strongly support and commend the "School Within a School" concept. We also support an expanded program of Homebound Instructional and an expanded program of Homebound Instruction and services to pregnant girls.
5. Informed and concerned community efforts toward evaluating and financing of the above mentioned programs. Despite inflationary costs and state imposed budget restrictions, we deem the costs incurred on such programs to be well worth the support of the taxpaying public + as balanced against the even higher costs in absorbing the school leaver into the social services or criminal justice systems.